Social Media is vital to the marketing success of your brand and persona.  The pressure to create high quality content that keeps your audience engaged can be a daunting task.  We have some ideas of how you can come up with new ideas and create content that will diversify your feeds!


For adult xxx friendly national days, use our page which outlines the sex related national day calendar.  For instance, yesterday was National Orgasm Day, you could post content on your spicy page that features content with orgasms.  You can offer discounted bundles with related content, or post funny reels and tik toks that are associated with the National Day.  


Hopping on trends is a great way to garner larger views, gain more followers and have some fun with your content creation.  This is a great opportunity to show other sides of your personality with funny, creative and relatable content.  If people can recognize themselves in your posts about simple daily situations (thematically related to your business niche) or can even just let out a laugh, you’ll be collecting likes and shares in no time.


We all know how people love to express their opinions and ideas!  Take advantage of opening up your posts to include and invite those responses which create great engagement for your accounts.

This can easily be accomplished with games like “This or That” and other choices that most will feel compelled to answer.

In order to generate conversation, you can ask them questions that will inspire comments and interaction with your post. These questions can be anything from: their opinions, their preferences about lifestyle habits, what inspires them, their pets’ names… even product-related questions will work! This is also a great mechanism for prize-bearing contests, or simply for fun.

Describe X in a GIF: GIFs on social media are like jewels on a crown – they make Facebook shine. Ask people to describe an event (that your audience would relate to) in a GIF, and you’re bound to receive a lot of funny replies. Don’t miss the opportunity to reply to each and every participant. By doing so, you’ll boost your engagement rate even more.

Caption this image: Now it’s your followers’ turn to practice their creative skills. Post an image that would be fun to caption, and ask your audience to come up with a witty title. Fill in the blank: Another way to get your followers’ creative juices flowing is by asking them to complete a sentence. Tie the topic to your brand, service or product, and even offer a prize for the best answer.

Know someone: ‘Facebook is a social medium”’ – this might be the most obvious phrase ever. Among other fun interactions, people are always happy for a chance to share something they associate with a friend. In the example below, it was a vintage phone that sparked a surge of nostalgia and had people running to tag their friends. An important note: Avoid using the word ‘Tag’ in the caption, as Facebook’s algorithms will give your post lower priority. Phrases like ‘know someone?’ or ‘Which friend…’ will perform much better.


This type of content provides your audience with added value and has the ability to position yourself as an expert. You can expand your followers’ horizons on any subject concerning your area of expertise. You can also inform them about new services, products or discounts that you currently have to offer.

Relevant tips: Have you started to notice recently that the most popular posts on Facebook are useful tips and tricks for cooking, DIY crafts and simple household tasks? Information that brings some kind of value to your followers performs extremely well on social. You can provide tips that would be relevant to your area of expertise. This will also help establish yourself as a name and prove that you know your stuff.

Product or service features: This is your chance to showcase a new product, sale, or any other piece of information you’re offering to the world. Remember to include a link to what you’re promoting. This is also an excellent way to drive traffic to your website.

Behind the scenes: Share candid moments about the people behind the brand. The content people connect most easily to is…. people. The more transparent and genuine you appear on social media, the more followers will follow your charm (and page).

Blog posts: Creating a blog for your website brings huge value to your SEO. It also provides a great source of content for your social media channels. Every time you publish your latest blog post, make sure to promote it as well on Facebook.


One of our favorite social media marketing tips is to let your clients how much you love them by showcasing their success stories or testimonials. This can also include sharing your clients’ posts that features your product or service. Nothing promotes your business better than a happy client.

Positive feedback: People are review-focused these days, so no matter how it’s presented – a screenshot of a text conversation, a comment on your Facebook reviews, or taken from a dedicated section on your website, the content of a positive comment is your most effective marketing tactic. Let your audience sing your praises and don’t be shy about posting it.

Featuring users: People love being in the spotlight. Ask your community to share a story or a photo related to your service or product. Using your platform as a way to show off your wonderful users will demonstrate that you really care and will strengthen their affiliation to your brand.

Extra tip: get organized

Can’t wait to share your brilliant posts with the world? Wait a second (or two). As a small business owner you know that the secret to anything successful is making sure you’re organized. Working according to your social media calendar allows you to allocate the right resources in the right time, as well as take care of producing content items on time.


By admin

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